— It may be hard for you to imagine, but I once had a relatively normal life-- bills to pay, playdates, family, some friends, people to care about. Lost all that.
— Lost how?
— In Mexico, there are these fish that have colonized the freshwater caves along Sierra del Abra. They were lost. They found themselves living in complete darkness. But they didn't die. Instead, they thrived. They adapted. They lost their pigmentation, their sight, eventually even their eyes. With survival, they became... hideous. I've rarely thought about what I once... was. But I wonder... if a ray of light were to make it into the cave, would I be able to see it? Or feel it? Would I... gravitate to its warmth? And if I did, would I become... less hideous?


@темы: Blacklist, тихо в уголке сам с собой

29.02.2024 в 10:01

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