Blackwall: Sera and I were just talking about you. We need you to settle a question for us.
Solas: (Sighs.) Sera's involved? So this question will be offensive.
Blackwall: Yes, probably. Sorry.
Blackwall: You make friends with spirits in the Fade. So... um, are there any that are more than just friends?
Blackwall: If you know what I mean.
Solas: Oh, for ... really?
Blackwall: Look, it's a natural thing to be curious about!
Solas: For a twelve year old!
Blackwall: It's a simple yes or no question!
Solas: Nothing about the Fade or spirits is simple, especially not that.
Blackwall: Aha! So you do have experience in these matters!
Solas: I did not say that.
Blackwall: Don't panic. It'll be our little secret.
Solas: Ass.
Blackwall: (Laughs.) Now who's twelve?

@темы: DA